General Information

Americas Technician Services Llc

Address 9982 East 112th Ave
CO, 80640
Form date July 7, 2017
Type Limited Liability Company
Mailing address 9982 East 112th Ave
CO, 80640
ID 20171522406
Status Good Standing
Agent name Aaron Jacob Yelenick
Agent address 9982 East 112th Ave
CO, 80640

last updated:

We managed to find out that Americas Technician Services Llc is a limited liability company and can be found in the city of Henderson. The company address is as follows: 9982 East 112Th Ave, Henderson, 80640 (coordinates: 39.899656, -104.871371). The business can be contacted at: 9982 East 112Th Ave, Henderson, CO 80640, US. Americas Technician Services Llc has been subject to the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 07/07/2017, which is its incorporation date, operating under id number 20171522406. Aaron Yelenick, the registered agent, can be reached at 9982 East 112Th Ave, 80640, Henderson, CO. The first document filed to the Secretary of State was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" procured on 2017-07-07. Additional firms in the vicinity include: Field Technician Solutions, Llc, Enviroturf Consulting Llc, Llc, Turn-In Bbq, Llc, Henderson House Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20171522406 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)