General Information

Enviroturf Consulting Llc

Address 9694 E 112th Drive
CO, 80640
Form date May 17, 2015
Type Limited Liability Company
Mailing address 9694 E 112th Drive
CO, 80640
ID 20151326147
Status Good Standing
Agent name Christopher Michael Lewis
Agent address 9694 E 112th Drive
CO, 80640
Agent mailing address 9694 E 112th Dr,
CO, 80640

last updated:

We determined that Enviroturf Consulting Llc is a limited liability company based in the city of Henderson. The company can be reached at: 9694 E 112Th Drive, Henderson, 80640 (coordinates: 39.9000036, -104.8746387). The enterprise's mail should be sent to: 9694 E 112Th Drive, Henderson, CO 80640, US. Enviroturf Consulting Llc has been functioning under the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 05/17/2015, which is its incorporation date, operating under id 20151326147. Christopher Lewis, the registered agent, can be found at 9694 E 112Th Drive, 80640, Henderson, CO. The first document filed to the Secretary of State was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" received on 2015-05-17. Other filings include: "File Report" received on 2016-05-04, "File Report" (2017-08-29). Additional enterprises nearby are: Field Technician Solutions, Llc, Americas Technician Services Llc, Llc, Henderson House Llc, Turn-In Bbq, Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20151326147 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20161319671 File Report
20171656777 File Report