General Information

2758Salida, Llc

Address 8700 E JEFFERSON AVE PO Box 370285
CO, 80237
Form date June 19, 2017
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20171451842
Status Good Standing
Agent address 8700 E JEFFERSON AVE #370285
CO, 80237

last updated:

We managed to find out that 2758Salida, Llc, per the SoS database, is a limited liability company situated in the city of Denver. The company address is as follows: 8700 E Jefferson Ave Po Box 370285, Denver, 80237 (coordinates: 39.6502368, -104.8881988). 2758Salida, Llc has been functioning under the Colorado Secretary of State jurisdiction since 06/19/2017, when it was incorporated under id 20171451842. Aleksandr Finkelshteyn, the registered agent, can be reached at 8700 E Jefferson Ave 370285, 80237, Denver, CO. The earliest document submitted to the Secretary of State was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" obtained on 2017-06-19. Other firms in the proximity are: 17054 E. Tennessee Drive, Llc, 4535 S. King Street, Llc, Danaba Llc, Spci-N.a., Llc, Steeplerun Homeowners Association.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20171451842 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)