General Information

Siloam Well Association

Address 1640 Pope Valley Ranch Road
CO, 81005
Form date September 18, 2016
Type Nonprofit Corporation
Mailing address PO Box 3458
CO, 81005
ID 20161625445
Status Good Standing
Agent name Timothy M Rayer
Agent address 1640 Pope Valley Ranch Road
CO, 81005

last updated:

We managed to establish that Siloam Well Association is officially a nonprofit corporation based in the city of Pueblo. Its full address is as follows: 1640 Pope Valley Ranch Road, Pueblo, 81005 (coordinates: 38.2097641, -104.9710571). The company can be contacted at: Po Box 3458, Pueblo, CO 81005, US. Siloam Well Association has been subject to the Colorado Secretary of State jurisdiction since 09/18/2016, which is its incorporation date, operating with id no 20161625445. Timothy Rayer, the registered agent, can be found at 1640 Pope Valley Ranch Road, 81005, Pueblo, CO. The earliest document filed to the SoS was "Form a Nonprofit Corporation" procured on 2016-09-18. Other filings cover: "Amend and Restate Articles of Incorporation for a Nonprofit Corporation" procured on 2017-04-03. Additional companies in the vicinity include: Colorado Edibles Llc, Zee's Transport, Llc, Swiss Solar Systems Llc, Plasticwelding, Llc, Forrest Tree Service, Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20161625445 Form a Nonprofit Corporation
20171267669 Amend and Restate Articles of Incorporation for a Nonprofit Corporation