General Information

Skyline Villas, Llc

Address 1375 N. 5th Street
Canon Ciyt
CO, 81212
Form date February 20, 2006
Type Limited Partnership
ID 20061074665
Status Exists
Agent name John L Carochi
Agent address 1317 Field Ave.
Canon City
CO, 81212

last updated:

We managed to establish that Skyline Villas, Llc, per the Secretary of State database, is classified as a limited partnership situated in the city of Canon Ciyt. The company can be reached at: 1375 N. 5Th Street, Canon Ciyt, 81212 (coordinates: 38.4509985, -105.2452152). Skyline Villas, Llc has been under the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 02/20/2006, when it was incorporated with identification no 20061074665. John Carochi, the registered agent, can be found at 1317 Field Ave., 81212, Canon City, CO. The earliest document submitted to the SoS was "Form a Limited Partnership" received on 2006-02-20. Other businesses nearby are: Lazy Cajun, Inc, Lane West Group Ltd, Willow Springs Ranch Company Ltd., Aloy Inc., Bravo Equipment Rental Company, Inc..
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20061074665 Form a Limited Partnership