General Information

Eeco International Company Limited

Address 1121 13th St. #187
CO, 80302
Form date May 11, 2017
Type Corporation
ID 20171363789
Status Good Standing
Agent name KAIJUN WU
Agent address 1121 13th St. #187
CO, 80302

last updated:

We managed to establish that Eeco International Company Limited, per the Secretary of State database, is classified as a corporation based in the city of Boulder. The company can be reached at: 1121 13Th St. 187, Boulder, 80302 (coordinates: 40.0077347, -105.276471). Eeco International Company Limited has been functioning under the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 05/11/2017, which is its incorporation date, operating under identification no 20171363789. Kaijun Wu, the registered agent, can be found at 1121 13Th St. 187, 80302, Boulder, CO. The initial document filed to the Secretary of State was "Form a Profit Corporation" received on 2017-05-11. Additional firms nearby are: Global Technology Foundation, Saichuan Personal Protective Equipment Co., Limited, Usa Kasions Group Limited, Super Bright Inc, Jacqueline Stone Enterprises, Inc..
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20171363789 Form a Profit Corporation