General Information

The Pony, Llc

Address 205 South Mill Street, Suite 301A
CO, 81611
Form date May 10, 2017
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20171361094
Status Good Standing
Agent organisation name Law Offices of Preston Fox, P.C.
Agent address 205 South Mill Street, Suite 301A
CO, 81611

last updated:

We managed to find out that The Pony, Llc, per the Secretary of State database, is classified as a limited liability company based in the city of Aspen. The company address is as follows: 205 South Mill Street, Suite 301A, Aspen, 81611 (coordinates: 39.189738, -106.8198081). The Pony, Llc has been under the Colorado Secretary of State jurisdiction since 05/10/2017, which is its incorporation date, operating with id no 20171361094. Law Offices Of Preston Fox, P.c., the registered agent, can be found at 205 South Mill Street at 205 South Mill Street, Suite 301A, 81611, Aspen, CO. The earliest document filed to the SoS was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" received on 2017-05-10. Other filings cover: "Amend Articles of Organization for an LLC" received on 2017-05-15, "Amend Articles of Organization for an LLC" (2017-06-12). Additional companies nearby include: Strategic Business Development, Ltd., Buchanan Consulting, Inc., Six Sigma Academy International, Llc, The Sells Collection, Llc, Tenth Mountain Endowment Fund, Inc..
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20171361094 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20171368848 Amend Articles of Organization for an LLC Change of Entity Name
20171440445 Amend Articles of Organization for an LLC Change of Entity Name