General Information

Hibbard Group Development, Llc

Address 12656 E Jamison Pl #2
CO, 80112
Form date October 5, 2016
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20161678138
Status Good Standing
Agent name Robert Anthony Hibbard
Agent address 12656 E Jamison Pl #2
CO, 80112

last updated:

We managed to find out that Hibbard Group Development, Llc, per the Secretary of State database, is a limited liability company situated in the city of Englewood. The company can be reached at: 12656 E Jamison Pl 2, Englewood, 80112 (coordinates: 39.57633, -104.841189). Hibbard Group Development, Llc has been under the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 10/05/2016, when it was incorporated under identification number 20161678138. Robert Hibbard, the registered agent, can be found at 12656 E Jamison Pl 2, 80112, Englewood, CO. The first document submitted to the Secretary of State was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" received on 2016-10-05. Other filings cover: "File Report" received on 2017-09-24. Other enterprises nearby include: Skyfleet Leasing, Llc, Cn1312U, Llc, Crn514Tj, Llc, Evolution Digital, Llc, Monaco Property Investments Corporation.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20161678138 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20171714478 File Report