General Information

Moejar Properties Llc

Address 676 Lasalle Ct
Grand Junction
CO, 81504
Form date January 14, 2016
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20161030517
Status Good Standing
Agent name Joseff D Diedrich
Agent address 676 Lasalle Ct
Grand Junction
CO, 81504

last updated:

We managed to establish that Moejar Properties Llc, per the SoS database, is a limited liability company based in the city of Grand Junction. The company can be reached at: 676 Lasalle Ct, Grand Junction, 81504 (coordinates: 39.10288, -108.5074083). Moejar Properties Llc has been functioning under the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 01/14/2016, which is its incorporation date, operating with identification number 20161030517. Joseff Diedrich, the registered agent, is located at 676 Lasalle Ct, 81504, Grand Junction, CO. The first document filed to the SoS was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" obtained on 2016-01-14. Other filings include: "File Report" obtained on 2017-05-31. Additional companies in the proximity are: Black Of Grand Junction, Llc, Colorado Dreams, Llc, 555 28 1/2 Rd. 25 Llc, Texas Avenue, Llc, Visual Elegance Real Estate Photography Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20161030517 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20171416460 File Report Change of Registered Agent Address / Change of Entity Address