General Information

Ammo Nation Usa Inc.

Address 5728 Arrowhead Dr
CO, 80634
Form date January 8, 2016
Type Corporation
ID 20161020265
Status Good Standing
Agent name Bryan Nation
Agent address 5728 Arrowhead Dr
CO, 80634
Agent mailing address 3330 Hewitt St, 3
CO, 80538

last updated:

We managed to establish that Ammo Nation Usa Inc. is officially a corporation based in the city of Greeley. The company can be reached at: 5728 Arrowhead Dr, Greeley, 80634 (coordinates: 40.3719983, -104.7742328). Ammo Nation Usa Inc. has been under the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 01/08/2016, which is its incorporation date, operating with id 20161020265. Bryan Nation, the registered agent, is located at 5728 Arrowhead Dr, 80634, Greeley, CO. The first document filed to the SoS was "Form a Profit Corporation" procured on 2016-01-08. Other filings cover: "File Report" procured on 2017-04-01. Additional businesses in the vicinity include: All Seasons Foam, Rwl Financial Consulting, Inc., Basin Properties Llc, Solidified Exterior Management Llc, L4 Construction Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20161020265 Form a Profit Corporation
20171262115 File Report