General Information

Vitalitas Denver, Pc

Address 655 Front Range Rd.
CO, 80120
Form date December 9, 2015
Type Corporation
ID 20151788271
Status Good Standing
Agent name Roman Langston
Agent address 655 Front Range Rd.
CO, 80120

last updated:

We determined that Vitalitas Denver, Pc, per the Secretary of State database, is classified as a corporation located in the city of Littleton. Its full address is as follows: 655 Front Range Rd., Littleton, 80120 (coordinates: 39.5874004, -105.01089). Vitalitas Denver, Pc has been subject to the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 12/09/2015, when it was incorporated under id 20151788271. Roman Langston, the registered agent, can be reached at 655 Front Range Rd., 80120, Littleton, CO. The earliest document submitted to the Secretary of State was "Form a Profit Corporation" procured on 2015-12-09. Other filings cover: "File Report" procured on 2017-03-15. Other enterprises in the vicinity include: G.a.i. Llc, Royal Innovations, Llc, Calibre Properties, Llc, Basso Medical Llc, Sfos Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20151788271 Form a Profit Corporation
20171204912 File Report