General Information

Danimal Llc.

Address 4785 White Rock Circle, Unit B
CO, 80301
Form date August 31, 2015
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20151565690
Status Good Standing
Agent name Daniel Jeremiah Allan
Agent address 4785 White Rock Circle, Unit B
CO, 80301

last updated:

We managed to find out that Danimal Llc., per the Secretary of State database, is a limited liability company located in the city of Boulder. The company address is as follows: 4785 White Rock Circle, Unit B, Boulder, 80301 (coordinates: 40.05986, -105.214336). Danimal Llc. has been under the Colorado Secretary of State jurisdiction since 08/31/2015, when it was incorporated under id number 20151565690. Daniel Allan, the registered agent, can be reached at 4785 White Rock Circle, Unit B, 80301, Boulder, CO. The first document submitted to the Secretary of State was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" obtained on 2015-08-31. Other filings include: "File Report" obtained on 2016-10-24. Other firms in the proximity are: Hobbs, Llp, The Arrow Journal, Hachi, Llc, Attache Consultants, Inc., Leber Consulting Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20151565690 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20161716557 File Report Change of Registered Agent Address / Change of Entity Address