General Information

Femfinancial Literacy Services, Llc

Address 385 S. Union Blvd. Apt. 116
Colorado Springs
CO, 80910
Form date November 18, 2014
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20141697267
Status Good Standing
Agent name NOELA PENA
Agent address 385 S. Union Blvd. Apt. 116
CO, 80910

last updated:

We determined that Femfinancial Literacy Services, Llc, per the Secretary of State database, is a limited liability company and can be found in the city of Colorado Springs. Its full address is as follows: 385 S. Union Blvd. Apt. 116, Colorado Springs, 80910 (coordinates: 38.826049, -104.7949387). Femfinancial Literacy Services, Llc has been subject to the Colorado SoS jurisdiction since 11/18/2014, which is its incorporation date, operating with id 20141697267. Noela Pena, the registered agent, can be found at 385 S. Union Blvd. Apt. 116, 80910, Colorado Springs, CO. The first document filed to the SoS was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" procured on 2014-11-18. Other filings cover: "File Report" procured on 2016-01-24, "Statement Curing Delinquency" (2017-04-04). Additional companies in the vicinity include: The Life Skills Center Of Colorado Springs, Southern Colorado Tms Center, Llc, B Wesley Properties, Llc, Kissing Camels Property Owners Association, Ocho Caballos Townhouse Association.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20141697267 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20161052437 File Report Change of Registered Agent Address / Change of Entity Address
20171269529 Statement Curing Delinquency