General Information

Lkp Communications, Llc

Address 1351 North Ford Street
CO, 80403
Form date May 4, 2011
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20111265234
Status Good Standing
Agent name Elizabeth Koury Pestinger
Agent address 1351 North Ford Street
CO, 80403

last updated:

We managed to find out that Lkp Communications, Llc is officially a limited liability company based in the city of Golden. The company address is as follows: 1351 North Ford Street, Golden, 80403 (coordinates: 39.7777772, -105.2309676). Lkp Communications, Llc has been subject to the Colorado Secretary of State jurisdiction since 05/04/2011, which is its incorporation date, operating with id no 20111265234. Elizabeth Pestinger, the registered agent, can be reached at 1351 North Ford Street, 80403, Golden, CO. The first document filed to the SoS was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" procured on 2011-05-04. Other filings include: "File Report" procured on 2012-04-23, "File Report" (2013-04-23), "File Report" (2014-04-23) and more - listed below. Additional businesses in the vicinity are: Burchfield Counseling, Llc, Missy Stoner Rn Llc, Defined Fitness Training, Llc, Hottman Law Office, Pc, Spartacus Property, Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20111265234 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20121227499 File Report
20131250491 File Report
20141251508 File Report
20151271386 File Report
20161278242 File Report
20171591933 File Report