General Information

Sedalia Medical

Address 15750 Holbein Dr
Colorado Springs
CO, 80921
Form date March 29, 2011
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20111187175
Status Good Standing
Agent name Eric Christopher Lawson
Agent address 15750 Holbein Dr
Colorado Springs
CO, 80921

last updated:

We determined that Sedalia Medical is officially a limited liability company and can be found in the city of Colorado Springs. The company can be reached at: 15750 Holbein Dr, Colorado Springs, 80921 (coordinates: 39.0562133, -104.8161143). Sedalia Medical has been under the Colorado Secretary of State jurisdiction since 03/29/2011, which is its incorporation date, operating under id 20111187175. Eric Lawson, the registered agent, can be reached at 15750 Holbein Dr, 80921, Colorado Springs, CO. The earliest document filed to the Secretary of State was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" obtained on 2011-03-29. Other filings include: "Statement Curing Delinquency" obtained on 2012-11-26, "Statement Curing Delinquency" (2015-12-02), "File Report" (2016-11-23) and more - to be found below. Additional enterprises in the proximity are: Blueaces Llc, Big Time Clock Company, Inc., Bslc Frisco, Llc, Tdb Homes and Development Llc, Just Accord, A Colorado Corporation.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20111187175 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20121649783 Statement Curing Delinquency
20151776001 Statement Curing Delinquency
20161785110 File Report