General Information

Superdaddy Sports Llc

Address 9061 N. Emerson st.
CO, 80229
Form date March 15, 2011
Type Limited Liability Company
ID 20111157761
Status Good Standing
Agent name Michael J Kishel
Agent address 9061 N. Emerson st.
CO, 80229

last updated:

We managed to establish that Superdaddy Sports Llc is classified as a limited liability company and can be found in the city of Thornton. Its full address is as follows: 9061 N. Emerson St., Thornton, 80229 (coordinates: 39.861171, -104.9765175). Superdaddy Sports Llc has been functioning under the Colorado Secretary of State jurisdiction since 03/15/2011, which is its incorporation date, operating under identification number 20111157761. Michael Kishel, the registered agent, can be reached at 9061 N. Emerson St., 80229, Thornton, CO. The first document filed to the Secretary of State was "Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)" obtained on 2011-03-15. Other filings cover: "Dissolve a Limited Liability Company" obtained on 2013-05-15, "Articles of Reinstatement" (2017-02-24). Additional firms in the proximity include: Card Vault, Word Alive Ministries, Hernandez Metal Construction Llc., Journey Of You Counseling Llc, Peak Marpe' Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20111157761 Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
20131292880 Dissolve a Limited Liability Company
20171147888 Articles of Reinstatement