General Information

Complete Evolution Inc

Address 4908 DUNKIRK ST
CO, 80249
Form date November 10, 2016
Type Corporation
Mailing address 4908 DUNKIRK ST
CO, 80249
ID 20161765912
Status Good Standing
Agent name JOSE D ORTEGA
Agent address 4908 DUNKIRK ST
CO, 80249

last updated:

We established that Complete Evolution Inc is officially a corporation and can be found in the city of Denver. The company address is as follows: 4908 Dunkirk St, Denver, 80249 (coordinates: 39.7855388, -104.7615148). The firm can be contacted at: 4908 Dunkirk St, Denver, CO 80249, US. Complete Evolution Inc has been under the Colorado Secretary of State jurisdiction since 11/10/2016, which is its incorporation date, operating with id number 20161765912. Jose Ortega, the registered agent, can be found at 4908 Dunkirk St, 80249, Denver, CO. The earliest document filed to the SoS was "Form a Profit Corporation" received on 2016-11-10. Additional companies nearby include: Sm Transport Llc, Green Valley Ranch Urgent Care Center Prof. Llc, Brandon & Associates, Resolve Counseling Llc, Little Jay's Childcare Llc.
Company transactions
Received date Transaction ID Description Comment
20161765912 Form a Profit Corporation